A testing method to compare two email variations for performance.
The use of tools to send triggered or scheduled emails automatically.
Application Programming Interface for integrating email tools with other systems.
Automated email replies based on triggers like sign-ups.
Alternative text for email images.
The percentage of users who leave a process (like a cart or form) before completion.
The cost of acquiring a new email subscriber or customer.
The process of ensuring email addresses are valid and deliverable.
The rate at which an email list expands.
Features like promo codes or offers displayed in inbox previews.
Year-end reports summarizing user activity or brand achievements.
Connecting email tools with external applications to enhance functionality.
Scheduling emails based on when recipients are most active.
A measure of how likely an email is to be flagged as spam.
Generating real-time performance reports for email campaigns.
The percentage of emails that fail to deliver.
A database identifying spam senders.
Mass emails sent to a large audience.
Tailoring emails based on recipient behavior.
Maintaining a uniform brand identity across emails.
Automating emails based on subscriber behavior or actions.
The process of handling email addresses that result in delivery failures.
Campaigns designed to familiarize subscribers with a company’s values or products.
Sending a campaign to all recipients at once.
Targeting subscribers based on detailed profiles of ideal customers.
Email campaigns designed to capitalize on Black Friday sales.
Pre-designed email layouts customized with brand colors, logos, and fonts.
Re-engaging users based on previous actions or inactions.
Non-personalized emails sent to an entire list.
Monitoring email campaign expenses to ensure ROI.
A button or link encouraging specific user action.
Percentage of users who click on links in an email.
Planning and timing email sends.
A U.S. law governing commercial email practices.
Strategies to keep subscribers engaged.
Targeting recipients who didn’t engage with previous emails.
Email elements displayed based on specific criteria.
Improving the rate at which emails drive desired actions.
Promoting complementary products or services to customers.
Personalized placeholders for subscriber data in emails.
The stages of planning, executing, and evaluating email campaigns.
Visualizing where recipients click in an email.
Emails targeting each stage of the customer journey.
Tailoring email content to individual recipient preferences.
Reviewing email practices for legal and ethical standards.
The ability of emails to reach recipients' inboxes.
A subscription method with a confirmation step.
Email content that adapts based on user data.
A series of automated emails sent over time.
The sender domain's trustworthiness.
Customizable placeholders in email templates.
Email campaigns optimized using data insights.
Offering subscribers the choice to reduce email frequency rather than unsubscribe.
Scheduling emails for optimal recipient engagement.
Removing duplicate email addresses from lists.
Email promotions that change based on real-time conditions.
Tailoring automated email sequences to individual behaviors.
Ensuring a domain is authorized for email sending.
Maintaining uniform visual elements across email campaigns.
Comprehensive reviews of email delivery performance.
A platform for creating, sending, and managing emails.
The overall activity level of email recipients.
Verification methods ensuring sender credibility.
Emails sent based on specific user actions.
Gradually increasing email send volume for new domains.
Sending emails in controlled batches to avoid server overloads or ISP blocks.
Allowing recipients to temporarily pause receiving emails.
Ongoing email campaigns that remain relevant over time.
Triggered when users leave a website without converting.
Setting limits on how often subscribers receive emails.
A system where ISPs notify senders about spam complaints.
Visual representations of recipient interactions within an email.
Strategies to generate revenue directly from email campaigns.
Countdown elements in emails to create urgency.
Grouping subscribers based on interactions with events or campaigns.
The section at the bottom of an email.
The rate at which emails are sent to recipients.
A feature encouraging recipients to share emails.
Data collected directly from subscribers.
Improving email sign-up forms for better conversions.
Emails triggered when users leave forms incomplete.
A sequence of emails sent after a specific user action or inaction.
Emails sent after a user makes their first purchase.
Customizing email footers for recipients.
Automated sequences encouraging trial users to convert.
Emails designed to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity.
Emails covering every stage of the customer journey.
Emails asking recipients to provide insights or opinions.
Time-sensitive promotions to drive immediate sales.
Grouping subscribers by their preferred email frequency.
General Data Protection Regulation, a legal framework for data privacy in the EU.
Delivering emails based on the recipient's geographic location.
Creative, low-cost strategies to grow an email list quickly.
A free tool for monitoring email performance and sender reputation.
Emails that are solicited but not actively engaged with by recipients.
Emails incorporating game-like elements to engage recipients.
Location-based email targeting using geofencing technology.
Creating highly specific email audience segments.
Using animated images to capture attention.
Emails promoting contests or sweepstakes.
Tier-based loyalty programs promoted through emails.
Email campaigns tied to specific objectives like sales or engagement.
Combining email performance data with website analytics.
Automated sequences designed to attract and convert new customers.
Ensuring email lists comply with GDPR consent requirements.
A permanent delivery failure of an email.
The top section of an email containing branding or key information.
An email format that supports rich media, images, and design.
Advanced personalization using real-time data.
An internal email list created by a business.
Email campaigns designed for seasonal promotions or celebrations.
Combining promotional and informational content in one email.
Emails featuring ads tailored to specific recipient segments.
Reviewing past campaign data to improve future efforts.
Interactive effects that change elements when hovered over.
Crafting email content with a conversational, relatable tone.
Emails that trigger tactile responses on devices.
Embedding links to videos, podcasts, or webinars in emails.
Using past behaviors or interactions to create email segments.
Ensuring safe HTML practices to prevent vulnerabilities in emails.
Gradually increasing email volume to build sender reputation.
The percentage of emails that land in the recipient's inbox.
Emails containing interactive elements like polls or image sliders.
The number of times an email is viewed.
Companies that provide internet access and manage email delivery to inboxes.
Campaigns aimed at re-engaging dormant subscribers.
Measuring the visibility of email content.
Ensuring emails display correctly across devices and email clients.
Embedding images directly in email content.
Grouping subscribers based on their expressed preferences.
Structuring emails to guide readers toward the CTA.
Dynamic elements in emails encouraging engagement.
Promotions tailored to each recipient.
Reducing file sizes and ensuring compatibility for email visuals.
Tracking sender reputation with Internet Service Providers.
The email folder where suspected spam or irrelevant emails are sent.
Planning the recipient's interaction with an email series.
Tracking email actions using embedded JavaScript.
Emails sent at the exact moment when recipients need them.
The percentage of users who subscribe to an email list.
Using JavaScript to enhance email interactivity.
Tracking subscriber progression through email workflows.
Real-time promotions triggered by user behavior.
Customizing workflows based on recipient actions or preferences.
Avoiding technical terms in email content.
Metrics used to measure email campaign success.
Using targeted keywords in email subject lines or content.
A repository of information shared via email campaigns.
Regular emails sent to maintain subscriber relationships.
The initial email in a series to introduce a new campaign.
Primary images or graphics in an email.
Ensuring email campaigns align with key performance indicators.
Dividing email subscribers into smaller groups based on criteria.
Sending targeted emails to guide leads through the sales funnel.
Emails sent at specific stages of the customer journey.
A web page designed to convert visitors, often linked from an email.
The process of maintaining a clean and engaged email list.
Ensuring emails display well on mobile devices.
Testing multiple variations of email components.
Quantifiable measures of email performance.
Customizing email content for individual recipients.
A collection of email addresses used for campaigns.
A recurring email sent to subscribers with updates or information.
A series of emails designed to build relationships with leads or customers.
Automated emails triggered by user actions or system updates.
Emails that fail to adapt to different screen sizes.
A measure of customer satisfaction collected via email surveys.
The percentage of recipients who open an email.
A process where users consent to receive emails.
The process by which users unsubscribe from emails.
An email or series of emails sent to new subscribers or customers.
A promotional email containing a special deal or discount.
Dynamic placeholders for user-specific data.
Preview text displayed after the subject line.
A simple email without images or rich formatting.
Emails designed to market products or services.
Marketing that requires explicit user consent.
A metric measuring email campaign effectiveness.
Managing the order and timing of email sends.
Fast, automated replies to user actions or inquiries.
Emails temporarily held by a spam filter for review.
Surveys sent via email to gather feedback or data.
Emails targeting inactive subscribers to revive engagement.
A measure of profitability from email campaigns.
The percentage of recipients who read an email.
Email layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.
Emails sent to re-engage users who showed interest but didn’t convert.
A system that identifies and blocks unwanted emails.
Testing variations of emails to identify the best-performing version.
A collection of email addresses from users who have opted in to receive communications.
Dividing a list into smaller groups based on shared characteristics.
An email authentication protocol to prevent spoofing.
Emails sent in response to specific user actions.
Emails sent automatically based on user behavior or predefined conditions.
A specific group of people intended to receive an email campaign.
Pre-designed email layouts used to simplify campaign creation.
Emails sent at specific times to maximize engagement.
The percentage of recipients who opt out of an email list.
A clear statement of benefits in an email.
The first email sent to new subscribers.
Data feeds used for dynamic email content.
Emails sent at the end of the year for promotions or reflections.
Data willingly shared by users, such as preferences.